Yandex Metrika
Celebrating 24 Years of Purpose and Unity

Celebrating the Anniversary of St Elisabeth Convent on 22 August 2023

Greetings from the members of our community

Nun Platonida (Shpakova)

As the Holy Venerable John of Kronstadt once observed, God will eventually put the right person in the right place at the right time, so that they will achieve their own salvation and help others achieve theirs. I fully believe in the truth of these words, and I repeat them to many visitors who come to our Convent.

The Convent does not have a simple task, as it is not closed off from the world. Openness presents a formidable challenge. Our service and obedience is to be in direct contact with the laity. After that, we must engage in prayer. We must remain vigilant, alert and introspective and we must persevere in prayer throughout our lives. I regret to say this, but I still need to learn many of these things.

Nun Maria (Yakovleva)

Nun Maria (Yakovleva)

To me, the Convent is like a spiritual hospital. I find our sisterhood and monastic reunions very helpful in navigating our difficulties. Credit for the atmosphere of trust, which has hopefully built up, or is shaping out, goes to our spiritual father, Archpriest Andrey Lemeshonok. I think that is a great achievement, for which I am most grateful.

Sister of Charity Anastasia (Nesterenko)

I feel comfortable here. I spend most of my time at the Convent, and my close circle and friends are all here. Without the Convent, my life would have taken a completely different direction. It is an inspiration just to be here. Everything about it is beautiful, every flower and blade of green grass, every sister and mother, every priest, whom we all love, and certainly our spiritual father. I am infinitely grateful to Father Andrey. He has left an imprint in the hearts of many, even if they do not come to him regularly for guidance and confession.

Nun Vasilisa (Starenkaya)

Nun Vasilisa (Starenkaya)

I first visited the Convent as a little girl. After a worship service, I met some children from the orphanage. I had a warm feeling for these children... a strong sympathy for them. I was not discouraged by their disability. On the contrary, I enjoyed being around them, and I liked bringing them toys and gifts. Which I did every time I came. I gave them gifts and befriended some of the children. That experience affected my whole life and taught me to be loving and kind to children and the sick, and directed me eventually to monastic service and life.


Nun Anfisa (Ostapchuk)

Our Convent is overflowing with God's grace and beauty. The wisdom of God's providence and the sheer amount of joy that fills our hearts are incredible. I was recently reading Saint Elisabeth Romanov's diary, in which she shares her thoughts about her Marfo-Mariinsky Convent and describes her desire to contribute to the lives and service of her sisters. And I believe it is remarkable that her intention and purpose have been fully realised here at our Convent. It is a place where life is restored to our soul, heart, and mind, and where the original image of God in man is restored, just as God intended.

Sister of Charity Raisa (Shulga)

Sister of Charity Raisa (Shulga)

The Convent has become my home. Every time I come here, it seems like I am visiting the Holy Land. Everyone has different aspirations, but mine is to see the Holy Land. I can get anything I need here - everything that gives me the motivation to live: our togetherness, sisterhood reunions, prayers for one another, mutual assistance, and the sisters' involvement in my life. Without all of these things, my life would not have been as cheerful and vibrant. True Orthodox living is always full of beauty and joy. Without the Convent, my life would not have been as interesting and colourful.

Sister of Charity Tatiana (Zhedik)

Sister of Charity Tatiana (Zhedik)

The Convent is like an extended family for me: a large, close-knit family of friends. No one of its members is alike, and everyone is different from another, but it is always a great place to be. It is an exciting place. You cannot get bored here. God lives here. For me, the Convent is perhaps like a wonderful oasis that the Lord had planted right in the midst of human suffering and anguish, physical and mental. The Lord had planted it for the healing of human souls.

Nun Vasilisa (Starenkaya)

For this anniversary, I wish us all deep love and readiness to serve one another. I desire that we will always forgive one another, no matter how much we have been hurt; that we will carry each other's burdens and be helpful and supportive of one another in all circumstances.

Nun Platonida (Shpakova)

Nun Platonida (Shpakova)

We are living in trying times. Many things are conspiring to drive us away from Orthodoxy and tear us apart. It is my heartfelt desire and a sincere call to our clergy, monastics, and all parishioners to unite around the Orthodox Church. Our power comes from our unity.

Sister of Charity Tatiana (Zhedik)

Dear fathers, brothers, and sisters! As we celebrate our Convent's anniversary as an extended family, I pray that we never despair or grumble, but rather enjoy every day and every minute of our life. Let us all seize this fantastic opportunity to serve our Church, our Lord, and one another. It is our chance to band together for a common goal.

Nun Maria (Yakovleva)

I wish our Convent, our brothers and sisters, and our fathers who serve here perseverance and patience. May we all be able to overcome the problems and hardships we face now and will likely face in the future.

Sister of Charity Raisa (Shulga)

As our Convent is our source of strength, I would like to see it remain united.

Sister of Charity Anastasia (Nesterenko)

Sister of Charity Anastasia (Nesterenko)

Greetings to our whole community, the clergy, the monastics, and our brothers and sisters on this joyous anniversary. Whatever the scale of the celebration, and wherever I may find myself on this day - in the United States, England, Belarus, I will always remember this special day, 22 August, the birthday of Saint Elisabeth Convent. My first wish is that we may all practise our faith with courage and daring. By the prayers of our intercessor in heaven, Saint Elisabeth Romanov, the Lord will provide the rest.

Nun Anfisa (Ostapchuk)

Nun Anfisa (Ostapchuk)

My wish is for every soul to meet God and find His mercy, love, and joy.

Members of our monastic and lay communities fervently pray to our heavenly patroness, the Venerable Martyr Grand Duchess Elisabeth Feodorovna Romanov, as we strive to emulate her profound devotion to serving God and our neighbours.

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August 21, 2023
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