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Fasting Rules For the Sick

Doctors Don’t Let Me Observe All Rules of Fasting. What Should I Do?

wheelchair bound

Question: I am wheelchair-bound. It is the Lent now, and I do my best to keep the fast but doctors won’t let me observe all rules of fasting, saying that I mustn’t be hungry.

Answer: Everyone is given according to their strength.  Rich Israelites had a lot of money and they threw large sums into the Temple donation box, while the poor widow only had two small coins. However, the Lord said that the widow had donated more (See Luke 21: 1‒4).  The same is true for our abilities, both physical and mental. God does not demand that we starve and be exhausted by fasting. God demands us to limit our consumption. This abstinence should not ruin our body; in fact, it should make it stronger. That’s why you should observe fasting rules to the best of your abilities. I believe it’s doable.

Archpriest Andrey Lemeshonok

June 22, 2022
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