… We must submit to God's will. God's ways seem difficult to understand, but they are providential and serve for our good, which will soon become known to us.
To Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich
<11 September 1897>
… I am so happy that I have been able to build up my strength before winter. This will allow me to properly take on my future major charitable work, founding a new sisterhood, which will serve the poor and for which I intend to completely change my life.
To Empress Maria Feodorovna
<18 July 1908>
I am convinced that every good deed accompanies us into another world where God accepts it in expiation of our sins.
To Duchess Zinaida Yusupova
<5 January 1909>
If you only knew how unworthy I feel of this immeasurable happiness that God bestows on me, granting me good health and the opportunity to work for Him.
To A. N. Naryshkina
<20 January 1909>
I am Russian with every facet of my being and I feel as your subject, like everyone else. Living in Moscow every day, seeing and hearing everything that there is to see and hear, makes you grow into this cherished land and long to work for its benefit and the benefit of those who inhabit it.
To Emperor Nicholas II
<June 30, 1909>
You probably think that my assistants could well have done this work for me. They really do know what they are doing, and I can feel that they work better than me. And yet, it is my job to make these first troublesome steps, and then if, God willing, everything goes well, we will reap the joyful rewards together.
To Emperor Nicholas II
<June 30, 1909>
My sisters know how to do their work, and we do everything with faith. The high purpose of our convent and sisterhood is to show Christian mercy in the name of the Orthodox Church.
To Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna
<20 September 1909>
We still live in silence, radiant with happiness. At last we made vows, becoming one with the convent and feeling the blessing of the Church. Every cross becomes joy, because joy is hidden in its nature. I often think about how much I would like to give a bit of this joy to mom and to all of you.
To Duke Felix Yusupov
<29 April 1910>
... I am sure that using a prayer rope when you pray will be a deep consolation and solid support for the entire time of our life. Hold on tightly to it, dear, trust in it, and peace will descend on you. Then you will no longer be able to live without these words, connecting us with the Giver of all joy, suffering and the very life, both in this world and beyond.
To Duchess Zinaida Yusupova
<Summer 1910 >
The goal of my convent is to comfort the grieving and help those in need. In this way I hope to make a contribution to our beloved homeland.
To Emperor Nicholas II
<22 July 1914>
Prayer is the only thing that does not change at all. The more you live <...>, the more you feel the connection of souls before God.
To Duchess Zinaida Yusupova
<Early 1917>
The Lord has decided that it is time for us to carry His cross. Let us try to be worthy of this joy.
To Sisters of Martha and Mary Convent
<April 1918>
Remember, dear sisters, everything that I told you. Always be not only my children, but also obedient students. Unite and be like one soul. Do everything for God and repeat after St John Chrysostom, "Glory to God for all things".
To Sisters of Martha and Mary Convent
<26 April 1918>
From the book titled A Path Full of Light. From the letters of St Elisabeth Feodorovna (the Nicaea Publishing house).