The Great and Holy Pascha is approaching, and few families who celebrate the feast will make do without a special bread—the semi-sweet Kulich, baked from wheat flour. It is tall and cylinder-shaped, with topping and glaze, and adorned with flowers. The Kulich is symbolic. The letters XB on its surface stand for "Christ is Risen." It reminds the celebrants about Christ's ultimate sacrifice on the Cross in the redemption of our sins. Kuliches are brought to church for the rite of the blessing, whereupon we eat them for breakfast or dessert for forty days after Pascha, until the Pentecost.
Bakeries offer a wide selection of Kuliches for Pascha, but it is far more fun to bake one yourself. Many families in this part of the world have developed their recipes and perfected them over multiple years. But most varieties use widely available and affordable ingredients like raisins, nuts and candied fruit for toppings. Common baking forms are perfect for giving the Kulich its distinct round shape. But even without the forms, you can achieve the same result with coffee or fruit cans.
In this video, Sister Tatyana shares a recipe for a delicious Kulich. We hope you will find the process and the result enjoyable and have a special Pascha today with a delicious variety of the Kulich.
Hello, dear brothers and sisters! My name is sister Tatiana and I work at St.Elisabeth Convent. So the great fast is coming to an end and now we need to prepare our Easter basket. Today I want to share with you a recipe for cottage cheese kulich. This recipe is suitable for those who do not like or do not know how to work with yeast dough and for those who do not have much time for baking. This kulich can be prepared in 1 hour. This is a very quick and easy recipe, any housewife can handle it. We will need:
Let's get started. First you need to beat the cottage cheese with a hand mixer to a creamy consistency. Beat eggs with sugar, vanilla sugar and salt. It is advisable to use barn eggs. Add pre-melted and cooled butter. Mix everything. Add lemon zest, use only the yellow part, the white one is bitter. You can use orange zest instead of lemon. Add some turmeric for color. Gradually add cottage cheese and beat everything with a hand mixer. Mix the baking powder with flour and add to the egg mass. Add dried fruits and mix. First you need to wash and soak dried fruits in water for 5-10 minutes. Oil the molds for Easter bread and pour the dough into them. Punch down the dough with a spoon dipped in oil. Bake kulich at a temperature of 160-170 degrees C. Place the oven rack at a level below average.
While kulichs are cooling, cut the candied fruits. Melt white chocolate over a pan of simmering water or in microwave and then add oil to it. Spread frosting over cooled kulichs. Such frosting does not crumble when cutting. While the frosting is not frozen, decorate the top of kulichs with candied fruit. This is how the kulich looks inside.
Dear friends! I congratulate you on the upcoming Bright Resurrection of Christ! May the joy and grace of the Pascha of the Lord illuminate your hearts and enter your homes. Christ is Risen!