The Monk Xenophon, his wife Maria and their sons Arcadius and John were wealthy residents of Constantinople in high standing. The people in the city knew them by great magnanimity, kindness and generosity. Wishing to give their sons a good education, they sent them to Beirut, but the boat on which they were sailing was shipwrecked.
The two brothers survived, but they were cast ashore at different places and separated. Yet they never lost hope and maintained unyielding faith in God's providence. Likewise, their parents continued to believe firmly that God was looking after their sons. Arcadius and John independently accepted monasticism, led ascetic lives and were rewarded by the gifts of wonderworking and foresightedness. The brothers met their parents after many decades, and all rejoiced and thanked the Lord for this gift.
Xenophon and Mary, followed the example of their sons became monastic elders. They asceticised in silence and kept a strict fast. For their resilience, unwavering faith in God’s providence and great ascetic feats they were also rewarded with the gifts of wonderworking.