Yandex Metrika
A sermon on the feast of the Holy Trinity

United in the Spirit of God

United in the Spirit of God

There is no need for words when the grace of the Spirit lives in us. We need only look to see it. When God lives in someone's heart, we will rejoice in his goodness. And we will have pity for those who are separate from Him and live in sin. Hopefully, our sorrow and prayer will help them find their way back to God. The spirit of God unites. Sin, on the other hand, destroys our unity with God and each other, and causes trust and understanding among us to disappear. Unsurprisingly, Apostle Paul remarks: "Two selves are dwelling in me!" Sin is divisive.,

But Christ joins us together. His Spirit makes us one. Many years ago, when the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles, they began to speak with other people in their languages. That way, they restored the unity of mankind. We cannot live in the spirit if we cannot relate to what others say and why.

The Spirit supports our Church. It glues us all together like bricks in its walls. Through the Spirit, we become the body of Christ by taking in His flesh and blood. At Church, we restore our wholeness.

The Church is more than a house of prayer; it is our Kingdom of Heaven. Admittedly, we are not fully ready for this Kingdom. We still cannot make ourselves abandon our sinful and selfish ways.

Sometimes, we cannot even conceive of a different life. We are wrong. We can and must live differently. But we are not ready. The Holy Spirit has led us to the Church, brought us to the Holy Cup and let us partake of the sacraments of the Lord.

So keep the Spirit in your hearts, and share it generously with others. Say a kind word, reassure someone who needs it, and multiply the grace.

May the Holy Spirit always be with you, and so, by strengthening ourselves with the gifts of our Church we will overcome this world that lies in sin. The enemy will fight back, but he can do nothing because God is in our midst. God is great and does marvellous things. He alone is God.

Happy Trinity Day! Greetings on the Birthday of our Church!

Archpriest Andrey Lemeshonok

Preached on 12.06.2022

June 16, 2022
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