Our minds often wander and try to lead us away from God. There are different extremes, and the enemy, seeing our tendencies toward such scrupulousness, convinces us that we are unworthy. Some people live for years with grave…
What is the best place to start learning about the Orthodox faith and acquire an experience of Orthodox life?
The hardest, most painful and responsible phenomenon in our life is death. The world wasn’t created for dying and for people to bury their dead, but for people and other living creatures to live and rejoice.
The apostle tells us: "Each of you is a temple of the Holy Spirit." Every human being is a temple. Some temples are built by people and consecrated as houses of the Lord. Other temples of God are not built by hand.
Many become Orthodox in the same way: not by logic, deliberation, and research, but by the workings of the Holy Spirit that make the presence of God visible to us.
St Justin Martyr quoted God as saying, “In whatsoever things I shall take you, in these I shall judge you.” (Dialogue with Trypho, Chapter 47, cf. Matthew 24: 42).
The Lord’s human nature was without sin. He died for us on the Cross. He knew that He had to offer a sacrifice. The Lord took the guilt of the entire humankind because He could do so as our Creator.
Darkness can’t coexist with love and light. Ye cannot serve God and mammon (Cf. Matthew 6: 24). You can’t divide your heart and your life. You’ve got to choose yes or no.