We look forward to acquainting you with the history of Orthodoxy in this part of the world and offer you a choice of general and thematic tours of Minsk City.
We offer our visitors a tour programme titled "Orthodoxy in Minsk". Lasting 3,5 - 5 hours, the tour covers the origin of Christianity in Belarus and Minsk. You will know why the heraldic symbol of Minsk has a depiction of the Mother of God and which relics are some of the most revered among the residents of Minsk. We will tell you about Minsk's first mortar church dating back to the 10th - 11th centuries, the architectural features of Belarusian churches that make them distinct from the Russian church architecture, and the sculpture of Moses. We will visit the monumental church of all saints, the tallest in Belarus, and tour the memorial exposition dedicated to the people who sacrificed their lives for the salvation of the homeland. We will drive down Minsk's Nezavisimosti Prospect, often likened to the Nevsky prospect of Saint Petersburg and visit its numerous churches, including the Cathedral of St.Peter and St, Paul (1612 - 13), and the Cathedral of the Descent of the Holy Spirit (1642) which stores some of the city's most known and revered relics - the Icon of the Mother of God of Minsk, and the relics of the Holy Venerable Sofia of Slutsk.