Yandex Metrika
The Life of Holy Prophet Malachi

Saint Malachi, the Angelic Messenger

Holy Prophet Malachi

Malachi, whose name means “My messenger,” holds a unique place in the history of salvation. He was the last of the Old Testament prophets. For this reason, the Church Fathers refer to him as the “seal of the prophets.”

He lived during the time when the Jewish people were returning from their seventy-year exile in Babylon, approximately 400 years before the birth of Christ. Malachi was known for his exceptional kindness and piety. The Jewish people marvelled at his purity of heart and gentleness, calling him “Angel,” or Malachi.

The prophetic book of Malachi is included in the canon of Holy Scripture. In it, he boldly denounces the sins of the Jewish people and foretells the coming of Christ the Saviour, as well as the arrival of His forerunner, Saint John the Baptist. He also prophesies about the future Last Judgement.

January 03, 2025
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