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The Minsk Icon - a Miraculous icon of the Mother of God

A Mother's Love, a City's Heartbeat: the Minsk Icon of the Theotokos

the Minsk icon of the Theotokos

On the waters of the Svisloch, You appeared, O Most Pure Virgin,
from Constantinople and Kiev, showing mercy to the God-protected city of Minsk.
Enlighten us sinners with Your radiance, reveal Your ever-present power,
save us through Your intercession, and deliver us from the snares of the enemy,
for we have You as our unassailable wall and our only hope.
(Troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos before Her icon "Minskaya")

One night in 1500, an ethereal glow appeared on the tranquil waters of the Svisloch River. It was a sight so extraordinary that it sent shivers down the spines of those who witnessed it. "Fire! Fire!" they cried, their voices trembling with fear as they beheld the radiant light near the Lower Castle of Minsk. But as they drew closer, their alarm turned to awe. There, floating serenely on the river's surface, was an icon of the Mother of God, its light ascending heavenwards. The people fell to their knees, pleading with the Queen of Heaven to remain in their city and shelter them under her divine protection. For five centuries now, the Minsk Icon of the Mother of God has graced the Belarusian capital, its image surrounded by angels, immortalised on the city's coat of arms.

According to legend, the icon journeyed upstream along the Dnieper and Svisloch rivers from Kiev, where in 1500, Tatar invaders wreaked havoc. These barbarians tore off the golden riza from the image of the Mother of God, brought to Kiev from Constantinople by Prince Vladimir himself, and discarded the sacred icon into the waters. Yet, the Heavenly Protectress chose a new home for herself.

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Tradition holds that the Minsk Icon of the Mother of God was painted by Saint Luke, the Evangelist and disciple of Christ, who sought the Virgin Mary's blessing to depict her visage. Scholars assert that this icon is one of the oldest depictions of the Mother of God. It was created in Byzantium and kept in one of Constantinople's churches before making its way to Kiev. Today, this revered relic resides in Minsk's Holy Spirit Cathedral, positioned to the left of the royal doors.

Svisloch River, Cathedral

Svisloch River, Cathedral

Father Igor Latushko, who has served at the cathedral for three decades and has anointed countless believers with holy oil before this sacred image for twenty years, shares his thoughts: "The Minsk Icon of the Mother of God is a window through which we can converse with the Queen of Heaven. Who else understands us better than She who came from humankind? Who knows our frailties so intimately? The Immaculate One speaks to her Son: 'Spare them! Have mercy!' And He continues to show mercy and compassion."

Archpriest Igor Latushko and the Minsk Icon

Archpriest Igor Latushko and the Minsk Icon of the Mother of God

As she stood at the foot of the Cross, the Mother of God witnessed her Son's crucifixion; today, she rejoices in seeing Him in His heavenly kingdom. The Holy Mother exults that the Cross, suffering, and Golgotha's agony were not in vain — millions will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Time and again, we have forgotten our Lord and then sought His help. And the Mother of God has interceded with her Son: "Grant their requests if it pleases You! I have forgiven them; may You forgive them too!"

Serving as a duty priest, I have seen people rushing in with tears, burdened by misfortunes. They turn to the Queen of Heaven. Time passes, and you see miracles unfold—a family formed, a child born, a person healed. How many such unwritten stories exist! A man approaches: "Father, I can't start a family!"—"Ask the Mother of God as you would your own mother! Implore the Holy Mother!"

The Priest Blesses the People

The Priest Blesses the People

A woman of faith once travelled from Moscow, distressed: "Father, I'm about to lose my apartment!"—"Then pray!" She later wrote, "They didn't take my apartment!" She came to Minsk, her heart brimming with joy, and thanked the Queen of Heaven.

Another devout woman returned from abroad, disheartened because she could not start a family. I told her, "Knock on Heaven's door!" Today, she has a beautiful Orthodox family with three children.”

There are times when people ask the Mother of God for something and do not receive it. Many of them visit our cathedral, but their faith remains unshaken. By worldly standards, their lives may seem incomplete, but they radiate such light! They have found their path and continue to turn to the Mother of God.

What do we seek in life? We want everything to go well and to be happy. Yet God, understanding the human soul, teaches us patience. God withholds nothing from us, but we must make a small effort to let Him into our lives through the prayers of the Immaculate One. Yet we often live independently…

Women and the Icon of the Mother of God

Women and the Icon of the Mother of God

When we don’t get what we desire in this life, it hurts: "How can this be?!" It’s sad that many don’t realize that more is given to those who don’t receive what they ask for. If they continue to pray, the Lord, through the intercession of the Mother of God, grants an even more precious gift...

In our cathedral, about fifteen young women serve before the image of the Mother of God. One recently passed away. For 30 years, she tended the candles and would say, "I will die near the Mother of God!" She was a bright soul! Do you understand?

The Heavenly Protectress watches over us and grants us something greater—she shapes an icon of our hearts beside her icon, engraving within it the image of her Son and purifying our souls for the Kingdom of God.

Father Igor Converses

Father Igor Converses

Archpriest Andrey Lemeshonok, our monastery’s spiritual father who served as a watchman at the cathedral for thirteen years, often reflects on his devotion to the Minsk Icon of the Mother of God:

"It was the late '70s to early '80s. I would lock up the cathedral at night. Left alone in the church, I would approach the image of the Mother of God and try to pray. Grace would fill me; I couldn’t get enough...

It was an extraordinary time. When I came to faith, I already had a family; my father worked in a party school. To those around me, my presence in the church seemed madness, but I sought support from the Mother of God, and miracles happened: grace touched my wife, my parents turned to God; when our children were gravely ill, we felt the Virgin’s protection."

Archpriest Andrei Lemeshonok

Archpriest Andrei Lemeshonok

People have always turned to the Mother of God. Someone enters the church in tears. To whom do you guide them? Of course, to the Heavenly Protectress: "Light a candle, stand here, cry if you need to..." There have been countless moments when the Mother of God helped and strengthened people in their faith. But what is our faith like? A woman has been in labour for two days without giving birth; her family prays before the icon. Later they come to church; I ask, "Is everything alright?"—"Yes! The doctors helped!"

Some return as believers, finding their place within the church. But think about those times! For one’s faith, you could lose your job, be expelled from the party, or even be removed from the housing queue.

On Sunday evenings, simple, devout women would gather in the cathedral to sing hymns to the Mother of God. How moving it was to hear "O My Most Gracious Queen" resonate within the sacred walls!”

orthodox music

Once, something remarkable happened. Early one morning, I opened the cathedral, and it seemed that some bandits had entered. Standing before the icon of the Mother of God, I sensed people behind me. I knew they had not come with good intentions—they could rob the church or even kill me. Yet inwardly, I felt that the Mother of God protected everything here. And then I realized those men had left... “

I recall when important guests were expected at the cathedral, and I was asked to change the covering on the arch before the icon. The covering sprung back, shattering the large glass that protected the icon. We searched all over construction sites but couldn't find such glass anywhere. I was so anxious! Eventually, we found it. The rector then said, "This is not a coincidence! The Mother of God herself removed the glass because her image was no longer being revealed to the people." Earlier, the glass would be opened for people to venerate the holy image directly, but that practice had ceased.”

I am no historian, just a humble priest. Whether the image currently in the cathedral is the same one that floated down the waters of Svisloch, I cannot say for certain. I believe it is, but this is a matter of faith. Faith allows a person to live in another realm. If we scrutinize everything under a microscope, what will become of us? When one breaks free from this world, grace is given, and questions cease to matter.”

Cathedral with Mosaic of the Mother of God

Cathedral with Mosaic of the Mother of God

"With the merciful, You will show Yourself merciful; with a blameless man You will show Yourself blameless; with the pure, You will show Yourself pure; and with the devious, You will show Yourself shrewd" (Psalm 18:25-26). We live in a world filled with devious people, and we are all affected. We must guard our thoughts and hearts. If you bring order there, everything else will follow. The Mother of God will help. Generations have prayed before the Minsk Icon of the Mother of God! We are among these people. We must believe that this icon is miraculous and that it protects our city and country.

Sister Svetlana, who has served for many years at the Holy Spirit Cathedral before the image of the Mother of God, has witnessed countless acts of mercy by our Heavenly Queen:

"The Heavenly Queen hears everyone, comforts them, and takes them under her protection. The Mother of God holds special favour with her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ: 'Ask, My Mother, for I will not turn away from You' (1 Kings 2:20). The Mother of God has shown her mercy to all—kings, generals, and common folk alike. According to tradition, Saints Tsar Nicholas II and Tsarina Alexandra venerated the Minsk Icon and a copy of this holy image graced the Tsar's desk."

A new government came to power, and they sought to change the emblem of Minsk, to discard the image of the Mother of God who had watched over our city for five centuries. To abandon the Mother who had nurtured her child! She was no longer needed by the powerful of this world: "Leave us! Why do we need You?" But the Heavenly Queen herself chose to stay...

With golden threads, Sister Sophia, who served in the cathedral, embroidered a hymn beneath the image of the Mother of God. People read this prayer to the Unconquerable Wall and Intercessor, thanking the Mother of God for her love and labours, sharing their own stories...

A woman with a focused gaze

A woman with a focused gaze

A woman wept before the icon of the Mother of God. Miraculously, she had escaped from Ukraine during the conflict, but her children remained behind. She prayed fervently before the holy image for her children. She left the church, only to return soon after with tears of gratitude: "What joy! They found my children in a basement! They are safe!"

The soul is called to transformation; one only needs to live by God’s commandments. In the Lord, they are not burdensome—walk, and if you fall, get up and take the next step. For 500 years, miracles have been performed and will continue even after we are gone because the Mother of God has taken everyone under Her protection. The key is for a person to find their way to Her and approach with a pure heart. Those who seek the protection of the Mother of God in this world will be with Her in the next.

Minsk Icon of the Mother of God

Minsk Icon of the Mother of God

May the quiet light of Christ fill every heart with faith, hope, and love, and may the Mother of God cover us with Her mantle. May the Lord and the Mother of God be with us forever...

People come to venerate the Mother of God, bringing their pain and joy to the Most Pure One, asking for her intercession. By the mercy of the Lord, each of us can stand today before the radiant face of the Mother of God, bring our requests to Her, and trust in swift help. For did not the Heavenly Queen say to the Apostle Luke: "With this icon, My grace and power..."?

Prepared by Darya Goncharova

August 13, 2024
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