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Calling for donations towards the bells for the Church

May the bells of Saint Sergius give strength to our spirits

St Sergius church

Recently, the residents of Saint Elisabeth's Convent's farmstead for disadvantaged women celebrated the feast day of their church's patron saint, Sergius of Radonezh. Many centuries ago, saint Sergius, the Hegumen of all Russia, inspired our ancestors to defeat a formidable and ruthless invader, and by his prayers, the enemies were defeated. Saint Sergius continues to raise the spirits of the residents of our farmsteads fighting their own bitter war with themselves and their life circumstances. His prayers are still giving the women the strength to endure and not give up. We are looking forward to hearing his voice soon in the chiming of the bells of the church named in his honour. We expect it to happen soon with your donations, which recently exceeded two-thirds of the needed amount.

In the times of Sergius of Radonezh, Russia was under the rule of the Tartars. Many brave men had attempted to fight back, but all had suffered defeat. The Moscow prince Dmitry Donskoy took the courage to challenge the invaders. Saint Sergius of Radonezh blessed his army to face up to the much stronger army of the invaders. To hearten Dmitry's army, saint Sergius said, "God is not in might but in right. Do not evade the battle. You will win." Dmitry's victory happened against all odds. It was a miracle.

St Sergius icon

Like all true miracles, it was a culmination of the personal and spiritual advancements of many people. Prominent among them was Saint Sergius who set an example of righteousness and brought together multiple disciples, including Prince Dmitry and his blessed warriors. Together with many other genuine believers, he converted to Christianity large numbers of Pagans not by brutal force, but by the power of God's love.

Likewise, the women residents of the farmstead today are fighting an uphill struggle to win back their lives, secure a future on earth and salvation in eternity. The blessing of Saint Sergius and his unwavering support give them the energy to fight on. Already, he has inspired spectacular victories of the sisters who prayed to him; some have refrained from judging others; some have asked for forgiveness, and many have acquired new skills. In military and personal battles alike, the strength of the fighting spirit is the key to success.

When the bells of the church of Saint Sergius of Radonezh chime, we all hope that their music will bring back to the women and all others engaged in difficult life battles Saint Sergius' heart-lifting calls for righteousness, decisiveness and self-sacrifice. May our prayers and the chiming of the bells strengthen our endurance!

banner church bells

For further questions, please contact Sister Tatiana at

We will mention all the names of our givers at our worship services at the Church of Sergius of Radonezh.

July 23, 2021
Views: 1756
Ratings: 5/5
Votes: 3

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