The school year in Belarus begins on the first of September. This date is an important one for our ministry, as the Saint Elisabeth Belarusian Orthodox Convent has established the first and the only Christian school in Belarus, the Ichthys Christian Orthodox School.
The school initially opened in 2015 and, from that point on, it provides world-class education, covering a curriculum, both secular and Christian, and various extracurricular activities. Currently, there are eight school grades in our school. New school programs are introduced on a yearly basis to develop a full-scale school course for all school grades, which makes our school meet the latest requirements of modern education and the most recent teaching methodologies.
Along with the advance in the level of education, the number of students willing to become a part of our school has increased. The overall number of students in 2020 was 109, while in the new school year, this number has risen to 133. This is an excellent growth rate for a private school in Belarus.
The holistic development of students is the primary goal for our teachers. We aim to shape our students into educated, creative individuals, right-minded citizens and virtuous Christians. We develop their minds with a national curriculum of subjects, consisting of science, humanitarian, and technical disciplines. We give an opportunity for their artistic actualization by offering additional courses in classical dance, stage, iconography, violin, piano, flute and much more. We also provide students opportunities to be involved in a Christian way of life, such as having conversations with clergy, participating in festive and liturgical events, participating in acts of charity, and taking trips to holy and historically significant places of interest.
However, there are still a lot of things that have to be done and we require your help. To maintain the proper level of education for the increasing number of students, we must acquire more necessary furniture and equipment and employ new talented teachers.
If you are inspired by the commitment of Ichthys School and St Elisabeth Convent to teach these students Christian values and provide an excellent education, you can invest in the students’ and school’s future by clicking this link. Every donor will be personally thanked and included in the Сonvent’s liturgical prayer schedule.