Brother Georgy Yurkevich is a long-time member of our monastic family. We asked him about his passion for flying, his discovery of God, and how his experiences at the Convent helped him become a better father, husband, and Christian.
Alexey Kolesnikov is an artist and works in a monastic workshop. He is the head of a large and happy family. We interviewed him about the role of art in his family, maintaining work-life balance, and about the foundations of a happy family life.
Our Convent has welcomed a known visitor, Yury Norstein, author of the internationally acclaimed animation films «Hedgehog in the fog» and «Tale of Tales». In an interview, he shares his views on the present state of film art and animation.
Alexander Sakovich works at the department of Saint Elisabeth Convent responsible for the construction and building maintenance and does obedience at the nursing home for adults with disabilities. We met with Alexander to talk about his path.
Yevgeny Lukomsky works at the Convent's audio studio, and his wife Ludmila teaches at the Convent's school. They are parents of three children and have agreed to share their views on the challenges of family life and parenting.
On 2 June, 2019, the church in honour of St John of Shanghai and San Francisco was consecrated. Among our guests was Bishop Emeritus of the Russian Church Abroad Michael (Donskov). He shared with us his childhood memories of St John.