Noah’s Ark (the Ark) is the name of our Convent's convention centre, the prospective venue for our social, educational and recreational events. We asked Dmitry Kuntsevich, director of the murals studio of Saint Elisabeth Convent about the centre’s…
The Family Reunions Project based at Saint Elisabeth Convent helps families in crisis work together to mend their relationship. The participants are encouraged to find joint solutions to their problems and relearn the essential skills of communication.
Some 30 disadvantaged women living at our farmstead are working hard to find healing to their souls and reunite with God. We have launched a fundraising effort to procure 7 bells for the farmstead’s church, and are inviting you to pitch in.
For the last five years, the Convent of Saint Elisabeth has been hosting a self-help group, offering support and guidance for the relatives of sufferers from substance abuse. Recently, it also began to work with individuals in co-dependent relationships.