An Athonite ascetic said, "Lord, I pray twenty-four hours a day, and I cannot pray enough!" You have to experience the sweetness of God to say these words.
For nearly a millennium, the Mother of God, Odigitria, has shown our Orthodox people the way to salvation through historical trials and hardships. This divine patronage, according to tradition, began in 1046.
The Iconoclastic heresy swept through the Byzantine Empire in the seventh century. Emperor Leo III the Isaurian ascended the throne and initiated persecutions against the veneration of icons.
Many non-Orthodox Christians often wonder what is the Apostles Fast in the Orthodox Church. Each year the Fast starts and ends on different dates and even in different months.
When you trust, you only ask a question once. The Lord asked Peter three times if he loved him, each time in a different way. Why?
The joyous Easter season or Paschaltide is finally here! In the Orthodox Church, this season starts on Easter Sunday (May 5th) and continues for forty days until the eve of the feast of Ascension, which falls on June 13th this year.