Yandex Metrika
The chapel in honour of Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God

She Who Shows Us The Way

chapel smolenskaya iconThe monastic sisters, the employees of St Elisabeth Convent, and pilgrims prayed together on the feast day of Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God. The service took place in our new chapel, which will be consecrated in honour of this icon. The Rev Andrew Malakhovsky led the reading of the Akathist. Moleben chants were sung by Rejoice Choir of the Sisters of Mercy. There was a procession after the moleben.

The chapel is situated close to the Pilgrim’s House and several workshops. The building was built long ago for those who work in our Convent or visit it as guests. However, it took the last couple of years to improve and develop the territory and the chapel.

The remoteness and small size of the chapel suggested certain design solutions of the façade. Brick, glazed ceramics and wood are the primary materials. The lower part of the façade is laid with big rocks, and the upper part is decorated with smaller rocks and fired ceramics. The rocks’ theme is also used in stained glass windows.

chapel smolenskaya icon inside

The builders actively used wood and stone for interior design, too. Due to space limitations, the chapel has an open sanctuary. The sanctuary is separated from the nave by bronze Royal Doors and a carved two-part barrier. The walls of the chapel will be painted over in the future. There will be an icon of the Theotokos above the entrance to the territory of the Convent’s property.

The chapel in honour of the Mother of God of Smolensk is situated half a mile from St Elisabeth Convent, just across the Minsk Ring Road.

August 10, 2017

March 03, 2021
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